Monday, November 12, 2007

Communication is Key for Religous Professionals

Another important skill for DRE's is communication. Listening for Understanding and not responding from our own assumptions or misunderstandings is often key to the lifesaving work we do.

(thanks to Berlitz for this...)

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Should be in a DRE's Job Description - Herding Cats

It ain't an easy job, but when you bring a herd into town and ain't lost a one of 'em, there ain't a feeling like it in the world.

Wonder if your vote really matters?

In Longmeadow MA, the Prop 2 1/2 override, (Thanks Mitt Romney for making local municipalities override local property tax limits over and over again in order to fund the schools that you defunded so you could claim to have "lowered taxes" in your Presidential run) designed to level fund their schools, passed by 4 votes. Last time it failed by 10.

In Northampton MA a City Councilor retained his Ward 5 seat by 10 votes, in my opinion, a seat that really mattered were it to be lost.

And here's the kicker. I didn't have to work at all to find these examples. It didn't require hours of searching the internet for evidence of voter importance. These were garnered from my local news.

Hope you voted, and that you understood that no matter how close an election was or was not, your vote mattered.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Did you vote?

I return to blogging one year later with this very important happycindy moment.


Local elections today in Massachusetts. Some contested, some not. All important in terms of...

Say it with me folks...

Our Civic Duty.

Make a Difference. Exercise your right and responsibility.

Even if you live in a town with one person running for re-election for Mayor, and 6 people running for 6 spots on the School Committee.

...For instance.

In Massachusetts you've got another hour and a half to get there.

Go, run.