Saturday, June 11, 2005

24 Hours for Gwen update

Kim posted on her site:
Gwen's back in PICU at Bay State. She had the GJ tube placed yesterday. The procedure was long but in the end worked. Unfortunately, she couldn't wake up from the sedation for hours and hours except to throw up. She has been throwing up since then and spiked a temp last night.

She woke up around 3 am, and is more alert now.

Thanks to those of you who have called to check on today's event, but neither hail nor sleet nor...

We're on.

Abby came in this morning and set up the worship table with me the way she wanted it, decided that we also need to use our regular Joys and Concerns Table for candles as well.
She'd decorated with some pictures of Gwen and herself on that table and the information table in the Parlor.


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